It doesn’t seem to matter how clean the house and yard are, I always see a bug or two. After my dog was bit by something near his eye, I decided to do some serious research on how to avoid that happening to him again, or worse, to one of the kids! Here are some tips I found from talking with other moms, some professionals and doing a little reading of my own.
1. Duck tape that scorpion

I don’t get too many scorpions around my neighborhood, but I thought it’d be a great thing to know how to deal with them just in case I ever ran across one.
Scorpions can sting even after they are dead, so disposing of the body can be just as ‘risky’ as trying to kill it. If you can kill them safely (smashing hard with a thick boot, for example), do so, but do not pick it up with your bare hands or with a thin tissue.
It was recommended by professional exterminator to use the sticky side of duck tape to pick them up. Then, be sure to put the scorpion in a place that small children or pets cannot get to. Try to flush it down a toilet (if the bundle is small enough to flush) or toss it into the big outside trashcan or dumpster, as opposed to the kitchen garbage where curious children or puppies can reach.
If you are interested, I found a place that will actually sends out free scorpion traps. Just fill out the information below:
2. Watch out around sources of water

When I vented my frustration of finding bugs in my clean house, I was made aware of an interesting fact. Sure, bugs are attracted to food left on the ground, but more so to sources of water. That was what was leading insects to my house. I have watered grass, a pool, and a house full of water sources and plants that are regularly watered.
My dog, who loves sticking his face in my bushes, very likely was bit when he disturbed an insect that made its home near the plant bed’s water source! Lesson to learn from here: be extra aware around sources of water.
Tip: If you have to move a plant, do some gardening or work around a pool or fountain, wear some think gloves and be extra cautious!
3. If you move it, wear gloves!

If there is a pile of wood or a plank that has been sitting for more than a few hours in a single spot, make sure you wear a pair of thick gloves if you have to move it. Insects tend to gravitate towards organic material (which, unfortunately, our homes are made of!). If you have tools that are in dark sheds for weeks, watch for bugs, especially spiders, when you go to move it. Dark, quiet, undisturbed areas are ideal spots for creepy crawlies to hide.
The scary thing is that some of these creepy crawlies bite! Make sure that the children you’re your spouse know to be wary when moving things that have been in one spot for a while: pool toys that were stored all winter, tools and garden supplies, even an outside dog bowl can be known to attract insects under it.
4. Use a light!

Usually, insects are most active at night. If you absolutely must go in a dark area, make sure you have footwear on and use a light! For particularly scorpion heavy areas, a portable black light flashlight is very handy. There is a substance in their exoskeleton that will glow under a black light.
Either way, make sure you illuminate the places you go at night, especially where you place your hands and feet. Watch out for spider webs, as well, as the spiders are active and hunting at night. You don’t want to get bit in the face by a spider on the web you walked through!
5. Exterminate on a regular basis.

Many people, including myself, only exterminate once or twice a year, if that. After doing some research, I learned that the products that professional companies use only last about 60 days and the stuff found in the stores, last even less time. Many times, that is not enough time to take care all the bugs and any eggs that might have been laid.
There are also many species of bugs that, once inside the home, will hide within the walls of the house. They may stay there weeks or months without leaving. If you spray around your home and the insects do not venture out within the 60 day window, you may miss hundreds of little critters hiding just out of site.
Tip: find a company that will do regular pest control services on a monthly or bimonthly basis. It would be ideal if the company you choose does an in wall treatment, as well extensive inside and outside treatments.
Avoiding bug bites around the house is not as difficult a task as one might think. It is just a matter of taking a more proactive approach and becoming more vigilant until you can find a pest company that can eliminate those biting pests.
Author Bio: Angelina Spence is an aspiring novelist, with books in the works for both children and adults. While away from the computer, she enjoys running and doing yoga. She is also rediscovering her joy of swimming and biking and has a couple sprint triathlon races in sight.
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